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Dwelling In The Present, Living In The Presence - An Introduction To Christian Meditation And Contemplative Living by Br. Richard Hendrick

Over the retreat Br. Richard Hendrick, OFM Cap, will introduce us to the path and practice of meditative prayer in the Christian tradition and offer practical advice drawn from the teaching of the saints and mystics of the Church to help us live in the present moment, while always aware of the presence of God.

Br. Richard Hendrick is a priest-friar of the Irish branch of the Capuchin Franciscan Order. For Br. Richard, poetry is tool for living a contemplative life in the heart of the world. He is the author of the viral meditation on the good to be found in the midst of the pandemic, "Lockdown", and "Still Points: A Guide to Living the Mindful, Meditative Way".


6.30pm Friday, 9 June To 2pm Sunday, 11 June at Mic St Patrick's Campus, Thurles, Co Tipperary

Cost: €180 (Full Board)