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Dwelling In The Present, Living In The Presence - Limerick Diocesan Clergy Retreat By Br. Richard Hendrick

Br. Richard Hendrick is a priest-friar of the Irish branch of the Capuchin Franciscan Order. For over 20 years he has worked to bring the insights of the Christian Contemplative tradition to greater public awareness. He has worked extensively in the training of teachers and youth workers in models of contemplative education particularly through the Sanctuary Centre in Dublin's north inner city.

For Br. Richard, poetry is a wonderful tool for living a contemplative life in the heart of the world. He is the author of many poems, including the 2020 viral meditation on the good to be found in the midst of the pandemic, "Lockdown". His bestselling book "Still Points: A Guide to Living the Mindful, Meditative Way" was published by Hachette Press in 2022.

Currently Br. Richard is working as a Parish Priest in north inner-city Dublin. He can be found online @brorichard on Twitter and Instagram.


6pm Sunday, 4 June To 2pm Thursday, 8 June at Mic St Patrick's Campus, Thurles, Co Tipperary

Cost: €380 (Full Board)